Landing Page, Website or Online Course, Which is Best for My Business?

January 21, 2022

 As a business owner, you're constantly trying to find new and innovative ways to reach your target market and increase profits. One of the decisions you'll face is whether to create a landing page, website or online course. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to understand which one will work best for your specific business. In this blog post, we'll take a look at each option and help you decide which is the best fit for you.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page that serves a specific function and achieves a defined goal. It's a versatile tool that may be utilized in lead generation, marketing, and advertising initiatives. Landing pages are created with the goal of increasing conversions. They contain distinct design features that enable doing the desired action easier for consumers.

Landing pages are different from homepages in general, though a homepage might also serve as a landing page. When you only provide one course, for example.

This activity could be anything like purchasing a product or service, joining an email list, availing an online course and filling out a form. CTA or 'Call to action' is the term used to describe these actions.

Overall, the purpose of landing pages is to eliminate distractions that can lead users away from taking action and to present them with all of the information they need.

Nowadays, there are already a lot of tools that can help you with creating your business landing page. There are already landing page designs and builders with premade templates and landing page examples.

What is a Website?

A website, unlike a landing page, can have several pages of content with various goals and purposes.

Not every page on a website is as conversion-focused as a landing page.

Your website is a collection of interconnected pages that include information about your company. In general, business websites explain what the company is, what it does, and what products and services it offers. It could also host specialty pages like your company blog, login page, forum, or a specific purpose. The primary goal of a website is to define and explain your company or organization, or to provide visitors with access to a service.

What is an Online Course?

You already know as a business owner that placing your business online allows you to reach a worldwide audience.

Online courses and membership-based revenue models, in fact, can supplement your core services and help you. Become a highly-paid and sought-after leader in your business line industry. Help more people and if done correctly these may lead to new heights for your business. Businesses are developing educational campaigns, courses and memberships to help users get more out of their businesses. The advantages of taking online courses are numerous.

There are already tools to help you with online course making, like learning management systems and other online course platforms.

Some benefits of creating an online course for your business.

  1. Reaching and making an impact to a wider audience
  2. More with less. Earn more while working less.
  3. Earn passive income.
  4. If executed correctly, it may bring traffic to your business.
  5. No material, extra costs or paperwork involved.
  6. Educating your target audience, may lead to higher buying or purchase intent.

Which One to Choose?

Many business owners are undecided about whether to use a landing page, an online course or a website, and which one to use for establishing online presence.

The solution might be found in your own requirements and goals for your business.

If you want to quickly launch a lead magnet, grab attention, do PPC advertising, attract different customers, or want to focus with CTAs or Call to Actions then a landing page would be an easy way to go.

Now if you like reaching and educating target customers with your new product or services, sharing your knowledge or expertise, you may consider making an online course.

On the other hand, if you want to create a multi-page online presence for your business, tell your story, explain your products or services in detail, provide functions for online order, schedule, appointment, or download search and more then you will be better off with a website.

Know more about Landing Pages, Websites and Online Courses, Genius Zone team would be happy to hear from you.

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